Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday morning eggs

Ah... breakfast...

Rolling out of bed on a Sunday morning,
rinsing off the previous night's alcohol,
(and the current morning's love fest),
stumbling down to the kitchen,
making Americanos,
raiding the fridge for leftovers for the morning omelet or scramble...
goat cheese,
spring onions,
leftover clam chowder,
veggies galore,
have all made their way into our Sunday morning eggs.

A little cream, but not too much - too much liquid makes for dried out eggs
Use the egg beater keeps things fluffy
Don't cook them too fast... slow and steady over just under medium heat
Fresh black pepper crushed in the mortar and pestle
Interesting cheeses are always fun
Sea Salt
A handsome breakfast companion

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Ocean


I'm not sure I would be who I am without it. I don't know how people fall in love without it.

I think that every major relationship in my life has been impacted by her mighty presence. From college in Florida, to all those summer camping trips with friends, to the now constant influence of coastal Virginia and North Carolina...

Water's presence opens one up, allows fuller breath, soothes the soul, calms the brain, relaxes the body. Above all, it is ultimately honest and true.

It is home.

Honest water, which ne'er left man i' th' mire.
-William Shakespeare